Payment Information Make checks payable to: Abbott Nursery School. Please write student's name in memo section of check.
Tuition should be mailed to:
Abbott Nursery School
800 Abbot Road, East Lansing, MI
If you choose to pay monthly, first (September) and last (May) month’s tuition is due by June 1st. Your next payment is not due until October 15th. Your last payment is due April 15th. September and May are not half payments. Our tuition is based on months in their entirety.
If you choose to pay quarterly, payments are due June 1st, November 15th, and February 15th.
If you choose to pay yearly, please pay by June 1st. Please do not hesitate to contact Karenn Vernagus at or Kate Burch at if you have any tuition questions.
If you are paying tuition after school hours, please place it in the slot of the red lock box located to the left of the classroom door.